Crema di Montagna™

Brand application design for ice creme store

Jun. 2017—Sep. 2017
Associated with Hak–sue Kim of Sansuehwa™

Brand application design for Crema di Montagna Incheon Airport store. Menus, Posters, Signboards, and interior identity were designed.

까다로운 인천공항의 규정과 촉박한 일정 속에 진행된 디자인 업무. 임시로 운영되는 매장의 특성을 고려해서 소량으로 저렴하게 인쇄물을 제작하는 것 또한 중요한 사안이었습니다.

↓ Poster for Coffee

↓ Poster for Shake

Application Lists

1. Store Main Signboard
2. Interior Graphic Partition
3. Identity Sticker
4. Hanging Menu
5. Wall Side Menu
6. Handout Menu
7. Standing Banner
8. Wall Category Menu
9. Standing Menu for Coffee
10. Standing Menu for Other Beverage
11. Wall Poster for Shake
12. Wall Poster for Coffee


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